Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Day 178


Kristine said...

Sashy looks so lost in thought...I love this shot!

Momma Val said...

Ha! Ha! She looks like she is a kid being read to. She is cute. And did you name her that? My dad and my step mom have a female doberman that they named sasha too. How come nobody names their dogs Lisa, or Crissy, or Vanessa? Just curious.

JaL said...

Thanks Kristine....I love her look as well, she's always such a willing subject. Would you believe just moments before this she was sitting up and I pointed to where I wanted her head and said "put your head down please..."10 seconds later tada!

Val, yes she was named this when we adopted her. She has so many nicknames though it's silly, she's rarely called just Sasha. Some of them are Sash, SashiGirl, Sasherkins, Snotsha (when she had her nasal infections), Sasharino, little one, & little girl (she's smaller than her brother by 35 lbs.)

Anonymous said...

What a look! And the little sparkle in her eye is perfect! :-)

Anonymous said...

BTW...you won MM this week!

JaL said...

Yay! go me =)