Friday, April 16, 2010

Macro shots to ponder....

Friday is here and with it brings 10 macro shots for you to contemplate....Answers due by Sunday noon cst-give or take.  Posts will not be published until after the results are revealed on Sunday afternoon/evening.  Feel free to leave your answers here, fabebook message, or an e-mail.  Winner(s) win be awarded an 8x10 picture from my blog of their chosing.  Good Luck & Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Holy shit Jen!! These were hard! Of course, it doesn't help that I suck at these :) My best guesses:
1. Some portion of a water heater
2. Paper shredder
3. Mace
4. Bark on a tree with some hideous red thing
5. Piece of mail
6. Hair spray can
7. Bottom of garage door
8. Loofah sponge
9. Screwdriver thing where you put in an attachment
10. Flower petal

*I realize that some of my guesses are probably so bad it's comical. I won't be offended if you laugh or say "Seriously, Kristine?"