Saturday, December 31, 2011

Days 13-30

Here's the rest of the 30 day challenge pictures as originally posted here.  Not only did I finish this challenge but my muse & I also managed to complete another challenge of the ABC variety.  Post to follow of those images shortly.  As always thanks for taking the time to look at my work.

Day 13
From a distance

Day 14

Day 15
My shoes

Day 16
What I ate

Day 17
On the shelf

Day 18
In my bag

Day 19
Where I slept

Day 20
What I read

Day 21
Pretty pattern

Day 22

Day 23

Day 24
A smile

Day 25
Sun flare

Day 26
Something old

Day 27
After dark

Day 28
Daily routine

Day 29

Day 30
In motion

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