Monday, April 12, 2010


Day 155


Anonymous said...

ooh...tell me how you did this!! very nice!

Anonymous said...

that is, if it's not a secret! ;-)

Momma Val said...

Do you use photoshop? or other photo editing software?

JaL said...

No secrets =) It was shot with my 105mm 1:2:8 macro lens and a Roget's Thesaurus.

yes Val I do use PhotoShop CS3 or 4 I think? I usually don't like to mess with my pictures too much outside of color boost and sharpening the crispness. Another tool I do use a lot especially with b/w images is a vignette.

Anonymous said...

you mean you got this just from shooting macro with so much blur in front and behind! WOW!

JaL said...

Sadly it was shot on auto mode w/o flash....Nikon's macro mode uses flash so I like to shot w/o it with my macro lens. I still haven't truly gotten comfortable messing with iso and f stops (accept with my 50 1.4 which I will put on aperature priority and see what kind of bokeh I can get).

Momma Val said...

Ohhhhhh, there are various photographic techniques to achieve numerous photoshop effects and we learned a few way back in school, though I forget them now. You should take a class, you would have a blast! Oh and you can cover the flash with your finger on the newer automatic cameras that do not allow you to have complete control. I love how you are experimenting and shooting anything and everything. You really have an eye for photography Jen!

JaL said...

Thanks Val! Aside from my terrible typos (I meant shoot not shot and except not accept)...sheesh insomnia is taking it's toll!