Saturday, April 3, 2010

Arboretum Photo Shoot

My good friend had asked me to take photos of her son for his 18 month pictures.....with the beautiful weather cooperating we headed out to the Arboretum for the afternoon.  Here are my favorites from the day:

This little guy loved looking for and picking up sticks....

A little hide n seek with Daddy....

My absolute favorite shot....

Love, love, love the slide!




Anonymous said...

he obviously likes the camera! although they are all wonderful, I agree with you, there's something special about that shot!

JaL said...

He is such a little ham....I had a lot more fun with this than I had anticipated. I think it helped a lot that I'm good friends with the family and he is really comfortable around me. It also helps when you can catch them in a natural environment not to mention at that age they aren't too likely to become shy with the camera if they are interacting with something.

rebecca said...

what a cutie! love the composition on these shots!

JaL said...

Thanks Rebecca! I'm tickled pink you stopped by =) I really admire your blog and photography website!