Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday's small scale

OK the rules for anyone new to playing the macro game.  You have until 12:00 p.m. Central Standard time on Sunday (3/14).  Results and answers (including a full frame shot of each item) will be posted later in the day on Sunday.  Please post your guesses in the comment box....if you are here visiting or from a friend's recommendation please follow along each Friday (as well as following my blog) I would be honored!  The person with the most correct guesses will win an 8x10 picture of their choice from my posted images.  In the event of a tie the people who have the highest number of correct answers will win.  Good Luck!


Momma Val said...

Wow, there are so many this time I had to open up a second window. Hope there aren't any rules about winning more than once cause I'd hate to ruin others chances by my guesses. Maybe you can moderate your comments to all is fair? Just a thought.

grater, toothbrush bristles, leather lace coming out of leather shoe, part of camera, have no idea at all!, coffee maker, washing machine, match, shower curtain ring, plastic pop bottle

JaL said...

I turned comment moderation on
until after tomorrow afternoon. I was thinking about this idea to be fair to everyone. Thanks!

Mer said...

grater, toothbrush, briefcase/purse handle, not sure - maybe part of a telephone?, razor, coffee pot, washing machine, matchstick, shower curtain ring, bottom of soda bottle

JaL said...

No worries Val, next time before i post I'll set it to comment moderation to make it fair. By the way you have yet to tell me which print you want from winning last week =)