well, here's one for you...i just love your friday macros and i've been thinkin'....would you mind if i started a macro monday? i know my viewers would enjoy them and it would give me even more inspiration to shoot more photos (and of course i would give you credit! another one of my viewers does them as well in a different style, but it was yours that inspired me!). just let me know, cause i don't want to step on any toes!
Sure! I honestly wish I had done mine on Mondays since Macro Mondays rolls off the tongue much better than Macro Fridays....oh well I have more free time on Friday afternoons.
What's the link for the other site with macro images? It's one of my favorite types of photography.
Wow, pretty! How are yours already in bloom? What are we like 7 miles apart? lol I have loads of daffodils in my yard and not one has bloomed yet.
There are only a select few in each bunch...I probably have 30+ clumps of daffodils =) They make me happy!
I likey!! :-)
ooh...you linked me!! :-)
well, here's one for you...i just love your friday macros and i've been thinkin'....would you mind if i started a macro monday? i know my viewers would enjoy them and it would give me even more inspiration to shoot more photos (and of course i would give you credit! another one of my viewers does them as well in a different style, but it was yours that inspired me!). just let me know, cause i don't want to step on any toes!
Sure! I honestly wish I had done mine on Mondays since Macro Mondays rolls off the tongue much better than Macro Fridays....oh well I have more free time on Friday afternoons.
What's the link for the other site with macro images? It's one of my favorite types of photography.
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