Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'm baaaack! Playing catch up round 1

Ye of little faith....don't you fret my pets cause I am back with a vengence!

Sasha aka "Chicken Little"
the afternoon of the big storm
Day 234

Balloon flower
Day 235

Balloon flower (pre bloom burst)
Day 236

Easter Lily (yes it bloomed in June not at Easter)
Day 237

Day 238

Shasta Daisy
Day 239

Chickie Littles Feet
Day 240

Barn Owl @ Willowbrook Wildlife Preserve
Day 241

July reading titles
Day 242

Day 243

Day 244

Day Lily
Day 245


Kristine said...

Yay! We have missed you!! I love the photo of "Chicken Little" :)

Anonymous said...

welcome back! always a pleasure to view your lovely photos!

JaL said...

Thanks you both for your kind comments! I guess I was tired of always posting flower & dog pictures & figured you were too! But I see that is the majority of what my eye is drawn to so prepare to be subjected to more of those items!