Monday, May 10, 2010


My handsome nephew "D"

My beautiful sister Jules & my Dad

My sister Jules & my Mom on Mother's Day
(would believe this lady is going to be 70 in Oct?!!'s hopin & prayin I get those genes!)

Jules & Sam
love these...

My favorite & yours truly (after a long day of gardening-don't judge the hair please I was tired!)


Momma Val said...

Nice! Great family pictures :) I'm still trying to figure out who looks like who? And your hair looks fabulous, what are ya talkin' about?

E.B. Loan said...

beautiful pictures Jen Ann.

JaL said...
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JaL said...

My sister & I despite the coloring (yes the tan is fake who am I kidding Irish peeps don't tan)have very similar profiles, noses, & close eye color. Oh & I'm pretty sure we're both the milkman's kids since we don't look a thing like my Mom or Dad =)