Friday, February 26, 2010


A new LBD.

Day 110


Momma Val said...

What is LBD? Lazaroski Bed Dream? Lady's Black Dress? London Bridges Down? Lacey Blouse Deal? Sorry.

JaL said...

First coined by Coco Chanel if I recall correctly...little black dress =)

Momma Val said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. Thanks! Now do you know what LQTM means? Ha!

JaL said...

Look quickly towards me? I have no clue and now I will have to google it lol

Momma Val said...

Ha! Nice try but it's Laugh Quietly To Myself rather than the ever popular Laugh Out Loud. I coined it myself cause how often do you write lol and really mean it? More than likely you LQTM and wrote LOL.

JaL said...

Very true! I'll have to try and remember that...I have a terrible tendency to overuse LOL

Momma Val said...

Me too. I think it is a feelings saver so people then know you said something joking around in fun not being mean.